
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Welcome to Truth and Pens

Hello, lovely people!  I'm Nada Faith...well, that's just my pen name.  I started this blog because I feel I have been called by the Lord to encourage hurting teens.  Ya'll just need a big hug.



Do you feel loved?  :) I sure hope so!

Anyway, I am naming this blog Truth and Pens.  Like most things here on the blog, the name has a meaning.  Truth refers to the Sword of Truth in the Word of God.  One way we can fight Satan is by using the Bible, the truest truth in this world.  Truth also has another meaning for me.  A person who is close to me has a habit of lying to people, including me.  One way I can "fight back" is by being truthful.  The "Pens" in the name says that one way you can speak up is by writing.  Spoken words can be forgotten, but the written word is documented forever.  Writing is empowering.

A good way to sum that whole paragraph is my little byline for this blog.

Fighting with the Sword of Truth in one hand and a Pen in the other.

What am I going to be posting here?

-(If I can get in touch with helpful people) A breakdown of the divorce process.  I don't know about your parents, but my parents aren't allowed to tell me anything.
-Speaking Up
-Encouragement in general
-Relationship posts
-My experiences
-Other stuff I come up with.  :)

You are loved so very much!
